Our History
Weston Aluminium is a services company that provides innovative solutions to the aluminium and steel industries.
Established in 1996, by Managing Director Garbis Simonian, in partnership with Asahi Seiren Co. Ltd. of Japan, an opportunity was identified, in Australia, to process and recycle aluminium by-products in an environmentally efficient and responsible manner. Using the non salt processing from Japan as its core technology, Weston Aluminium has further developed its application of process all forms of aluminium bearing by-products, from the aluminium industry.
Weston Aluminium adds value to all its streams, by manufacturing de-oxidants & sows from its recovered aluminium metal. The residual non metallic particles are manufactured into various products including fluxes. Desulphurising agents and slag conditioners for the steel industry and raw feed for the cement & building materials industries.

Our Leadership

Garbis Simonian
Managing Director
Garbis Simonian is the founder of Weston Group of Companies.
Garbis Simonian has founded and developed successful businesses in diverse industries over the last 40 years. Since the mid 1990s, Garbis has focused on Industrial Services (Aluminium and Steel), Manufacturing (Metal and Consumables), Hazardous Waste Recycling, Alternative Materials and Fuel, and Energy (wholesale gas and pipelines). Previously, he had his footprint in Trading (meat, fruits, metal), Industrial Property Development and Air Freight Forwarding.
Garbis is an environmentalist, committed to achieving a Circular Economy. Garbis founded Australia Industrial Ecology Network (AIEN) and was the chairman from 2008 to 2018. He was also the President of the Australia Council of Recyclers (ACOR) from 2011-2015.Garbis is developing the first Industrial Ecology Park in Australia.
Garbis is current;y Managing Director of Weston Aluminium, Weston Energy, Hunter Industrial Ecology Park and Hunter Gas Pipeline.
Garbis has a BA - LLB (Hons), from Sydney University.

Greg Soghomonian
Greg Soghomonian joined the Weston Aluminium's Board, as the Chairman, in May 2007.
Greg is a Senior executive, with over 40 years of experience, in major global companies and market leaders. He has held various senior leadership positions, serving Industrial Automation and Aerospace markets, in the Asia Pacific region.
Greg is the principal of Quantum Results Consulting Pty Ltd. Prior to establishing Quantum Results Consulting in 2004, Greg was the President of Honeywell Asia Pacific, Automation & Control Solutions, with executive responsibilities for Honeywell Legal entities and Joint Ventures across the region.
Greg served as an advisory board member to the Chemical & Process Engineering Center (CPEC) at the National University of Singapore from 1999 to 2003. From 2001 to 2004, he was appointed as a member to the steering committee of the Centre for Total Building Performance (CTBP) at the National University of Singapore. Both are leading bodies, respectively for the development of chemical processing and construction industries in the Asia Pacific Region.
Our Vision, Mission and Values
To be the most innovative industrial ecology focused product and services company in the world.
To provide innovative customer solutions via effective resource recovery, delivering results in a sustainable and profitable manner
Safety: No compromise on safety. All accidents can be prevented through tangible controls.
Customer: We are dependent on the success of our customers. We will always satisfy our customers' needs with our products and services.
Environment: Minimise environmental impacts by continuous technological innovation.
Quality: Deliver goods and services, consistently at high standards in the industries and markets we serve.
Cost: Continuously reduce real cost by improving productivity.
People: Attract, train and motivate a talented workforce to match the company's growth and business direction.
Communication: Open communication, transparency and cooperation both inside and outside the company.
Ethics: Conduct business in an ethical manner with respect of rules and regulations of the countries we operate in.
Performance: Deliver consistently good financial return to stakeholders.
Community: Interact and contribute to the communities we operate in.